TCHS is proud to be accredited by ACS WASC, the world-renowned Accrediting Commission of Schools, Association of Schools and Colleges. ACS WASC ensures schools in the Western US are engaged in “continuous school improvement that focuses on high-quality learning and well-being for all students” by only accrediting schools that meet high-quality standards.

Our school’s accreditation comes up for renewal in 2023, which means that we will be working on our review this year. We are excited to show the commission the amazing things we are accomplishing at our school! During a WASC review, all members of the school participate in a rigorous self-study process to review the school’s mission and goals and ensure they are being met with high-quality programs and instruction.

An ACS WASC team then visits the school. During the visit they will:

  • Clarify the school’s purpose and the schoolwide learner outcomes.
  • Assess the student program and its impact on student learning with respect to the ACS WASC criteria.
  • Develop a schoolwide action plan to address any identified areas for improvement.
  • Validate the accreditation based on accreditation criteria and standards, self-study, and findings from the visit.

After we receive our new accreditation, the review process continues with an annual assessment of the action plan and annual progress reports to ensure we continue to meet the high standards set by ACS WASC.

We are proud to have this opportunity to show the amazing things our staff and students are accomplishing at TCHS!